Know Who Grows Your Food!
At Abundance Wholesome Foods, we have ambitious plans to grow our business while increasing our positive social impact and reducing our environmental footprint by:

Partners in Freshness
Our Trusted Suppliers
Here are some of our partners responsible for the farm-fresh produce we deliver to your homes.
African Marmalade
Farm Fresh
African Marmalade Facebook PageAfrican Marmalade (AM) is a 100% African female-owned business that was established in 2015. Our focus is to grow African indigenous crops and produce seeds. Our founder, Siphiwe Sithole, is a Chartered Marketer with extensive marketing experience, which has made it easier for the business to gain access to markets, share our brand story, develop content, and identify new opportunities.
Our mission is to take African food out of the periphery into the mainstream by focusing on food sovereignty. We do this by being custodians of an ever-growing indigenous seed bank, investing in extensive consumer education via our social media platforms, and being unapologetically Africa-focused in our offering. This approach has made us the go-to brand for authentic indigenous produce and seeds in Gauteng, as well as an authority on how transformation on our retail shelves is possible.
Siyakhana Organic Food Garden
Farm Fresh
siyakhana.orgSOFG is a flagship project that is regarded as one of the most successful urban food gardens in the wider Johannesburg metropole. An arid and unproductive plot of land in 2005 has now been turned into a flourishing oasis. The garden grows a wide range of vegetables, herbs, grains, nut and fruit trees, and edible shrubs in 2.4ha. It is run by a cooperative of 10 full-time employees, including farmers, managers, trainers, as well as 7 seasonal labourers – who through your sales and support are earning a fair wage and livelihood.
“Our goal is to demonstrate a commercially viable enterprise, whilst retaining the important social development component as well as to demonstrate a viable model of sustainable small-scale urban farming”.
Siyakhana is where unemployed and unskilled jobseekers are transformed into urban agriculturists, trainers, and entrepreneurs. They offer a multi-pronged and systematic approach to addressing food and nutrition insecurity, promoting public and environmental health while creating sustainable livelihoods.
Aloe Dale Farm
Farm Fresh
aloe dale facebook page“Aloe Dale emerged out of a simple idea to grow as much of the food consumed by our household as we could, in a sustainable and organic manner – including some food for our horses, dogs and chickens”.
Situated half-way between Pretoria and Johannesburg, Aloe Dale grows a wide variety of organic herbs, vegetables, and fruit to supply chefs, caterers, restauranteurs, and delicatessens who care, as much as they do, how the food they serve is grown. They continue to expand and diversify, growing all manner of unconventional varieties by special request.
The farm encourages small-scale, holistic, poly-cultural agronomy by supporting local, sustainable growers: from households who produce a small excess for which they would not otherwise have a market, to NGO-run organic agricultural programmes. It is significant that 80% of these growers have on-site beehives, wormeries and composteries of note!
Aloe Dale is also expanding growing operations at their small holding in KZN. Aside from the extra growing space, this will enable them to grow an even wider variety of produce over a longer growing season.
Ganico Organic Estate
Farm Fresh family-run organic estate in the heart of Muldersdrift, South Africa, owners Laiken and Jason Cullen, decided to turn some fallow land into a farm, supplying the market, not with just another fruit, but a Superfruit – organically grown Pomegranates.
In 2018, they realized they were doing it all wrong and decided to imitate nature and transform their monoculture farm into a biodiverse food forest. Their end goal? Eventually, wherever you walk on their estate, you will find something edible growing.
Ganico is certified organic by EcoCert with the European standard of organic practices. They maintain the highest standards to ensure they receive their certificate on time, annually. The soil, water and leaves are regularly tested, and the soil is organically fed to ensure the trees are well looked after and the fruit is of the highest quality – nourishing as nature intended.
Most fruits you buy from Abundance are grown at Ganico Organic Estate.
Jozi Uncooked
Raw and Vegan
joziuncookedJozi Uncooked seeks to make healthy and delicious food more accessible to the people of Johannesburg, and to raise awareness of the health and environmental benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet. In addition, Jozi Uncooked supports small-scale agroecological farmers and seeks to reduce food waste through traditional methods of preservations such as drying, pickling and fermenting. Fermentation can contribute to gut health, which is important for digestion, immune function and even mood regulation.
Jozi Uncooked offers raw and vegan catering, food preparation classes, raw detoxes and cleanses. We also offer specialty products, such as nut cheeses, non-dairy ice cream, gluten-free crackers and healthy snack foods, as well as special occasion cakes that are vegan, gluten-free and refined sugar-free.
At Abundance Wholesome Foods we’re also very conscious of environmental health challenges, and in our small way, we are trying to contribute to the health of our planet.
Green Home
“At GREEN HOME, sustainability is our passion, our vision and our daily work. We’re here to supply you with a great range of environmentally friendly food packaging in the best way we can. We’re committed to changing some trends, rewriting some rules, and making plant-based food packaging the norm by 2030”.